Open Source

Open SourceAboutPosts

Here are some of my open-source contributions that I have made over the years.

Serverless Framework

I have made quite big contributions (for me personally) to the core of the framework and was mentioned on the company's Twitter. You can find the tweet here (opens in a new tab). And here is the link to the PR itself: serverless/serverless/pull/7335 (opens in a new tab).

Full list of contributions: GitHub commits (opens in a new tab)

Tech stack: Node.js and Mocha


I made a contribution to this open-source project while learning Haskell. You can view the details here (opens in a new tab). I really liked the idea behind this project.

Tech stack: Haskell

I expressed my gratitude for a tutorial I love by improving the developer experience. Here is my pull request (opens in a new tab) on GitHub.

Tech stack: Ruby and Jekyll

DynamoDB Book

While reading the DynamoDB Guide (opens in a new tab), I noticed a UI element that could be improved. So I fixed it and made a pull request (opens in a new tab) that was accepted.

Tech stack: Gatsby and React.js

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